Representative of new leftist government in El Salvador visits U.S.


July 14, 2009
CONTACT: Arturo Viscarra, 617-820-3008

Representative of new leftist government in El Salvador visits Boston, New York and Washington DC

Audelia Lopez, member of the Salvadoran National Assembly, will discuss advances in democracy in El Salvador and Central America, and why the coup in neighboring Honduras is such a setback for the region

Lopez, leader of FMLN party's Women's Secretariat, is available for interviews

Washington DC – Audelia Lopez, a long-time leader of El Salvador's FMLN (Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front) party, will visit the U.S. from July 11-19 as a representative of the new progressive Salvadoran government.  President Mauricio Funes was inaugurated on June 1, becoming the first leftist president in the history of El Salvador. Ms. Lopez will meet with members of community groups with ties to El Salvador, leaders of the local immigrant rights movement, and women’s organizations.  Ms. Lopez will speak at various public events and is available for interviews.

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