Big crowd marching with MOVIR and COFAPPES banners.


Salvadorans took to the streets Wednesday morning to mark May Day and call for a unified opposition to Nayib Bukele’s government, widely denounced for setting back the struggle for workers rights to conditions similar to those under pre-civil war military dictatorships.

Legislative Assembly members raise hands voting in favor of constitutional amendment

Foto: Diario CoLatino

El lunes 29 de abril, el partido de Nayib Bukele, Nuevas Ideas, alteró profundamente la ley constitucional salvadoreña otorgándose licencia total para aprobar y ratificar reformas constitucionales en el próximo período legislativo, muchas de las cuales han estado en discusión desde septiembre de 2020.

Dead fish pool up in contaminated Bravo River

The Land, Water, and Natural Resources Movement vows to fight recent ecological disasters.

Members of El Salvador's Water Forum protest a lack of access to water for rural commuities.

Photo from Foro del Agua Facebook page.

Salvadoran social movements mark International Water Day by highlighting issues with the country's 2021 Water Resources Law.

Cartoon of a mosquito dressed as a doctor in a hospital asking scared patients, in Spanish, "Who's next?"

Each week, the historic popular education organization Equipo Maíz releases a newsletter highlighting an ongoing issue in Salvadoran society. Since Nayib Bukele took office in 2019, the newsletters have often focused on his government's attacks against public sector workers and government institutions, as well as economic indicators that demonstrate declining living standards for the country's most vulnerable sectors.

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"Apoyo a CISPES porque continuar la lucha para la justicia social y un pais enfocado en el pueblo significa continuar el sueno y sacrificio de miles de mis compatriotas Salvadoreñas que dieron su vida por esta visión. - Padre Carlos, New York City

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