ESW: ‘Road to Victory’ Tour Closes at Ft. Benning, GA to SHUT DOWN the SCHOOL OF ASSASSINS!


On November 22-24, CISPES and Israel Montano, Secretary General of El Salvador’s historic public teachers’ union, ANDES 21 de junio, will join thousands at the annual vigil to close the US military training academy for Latin American soldiers, the School of the Americas (SOA). As one of the most outspoken unions against the repressive Salvadoran military dictatorships of the 1970s and 80s, ANDES 21 de junio was aggressively persecuted by SOA graduates, having the most members killed of any union. Israel will speak on the main stage and present a workshop on the recent innovations to El Salvador’s public education system based on the values of solidarity, sovereignty, and democracy. For information on the vigil and the SOA, click here. To catch Israel and fellow union leader Francisca Iraheta in a city near you as part of CISPES’ 2013 ‘Road to Victory Tour,’ click here.

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