Olympia CISPES en la lucha!


Olympia CISPES has been very busy in 2005-2006.  We have become an official student group at The Evergreen State College and our committee’s membership has increased greatly.  Our successful outreach is largely the result of the local committee’s efforts to send CISPES activists to El Salvador, especially last year's election delegation (nine people!)  This life experience gave new and not so new members the motivation to continue working for social justice and international solidarity with El Salvador and the rest of Latin America.

We have worked to increasingly have more participation of activists, students, and community members at our educational nights, including movies, fundraising events, such as our Pena with Oswaldo as our special guest, and speaker tours.  This is continuously bringing new members to our committee and building relationships with community and other students organizations, such as MEChA and Mexico and Nicaragua solidarity groups in the Olympia area. 

These relationships are being strengthened with the chapter’s preparation to send activists on the May 1st delegation to El Salvador. This year, we have more CISPES activists bringing the voice of the Salvadoran people into conversations, the struggles for global justice, and their commitment to international solidarity with El Salvador.


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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

Join Padre Carlos by becoming a sustaining donor to CISPES today!

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Photo of demonstrators holding signs and banners in front of the Salvadoran Embassy on June 1

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