Give the Gift of Solidarity!


Imagine our excitement to see this headline in El Salvador’s biggest daily paper, La Prensa Gráfica: “We demand justice in the case of the violent forced displacement of thousands of vendors by the Mayor of San Salvador, Norman Quijano.” Here in El Salvador, the media rarely gives voice to the working-class communities who were pushed to the margins by thirty years of successive right-wing governments. That’s why we took out an ad - to make sure the demands of thousands of vendors whose stalls were bulldozed by the right-wing mayor of San Salvador would be heard. When Quijano sent in military troops and riot cops to attack the people selling mangos, plantains, red beans, sneakers, FMLN t-shirts, regaaeton CDs, and new releases on DVD, we took action. We called on 25 fellow US human rights and solidarity organizations to join us in publishing a denouncement in the paper to make their demands known. Our ability to respond quickly in emergencies like this is only possible because of your financial support – and we want to say thanks! For over thirty years, El Salvador’s organized working class has had a steadfast ally in CISPES. Will you make a donation today to make sure that international solidarity can continue be there when El Salvador’s popular movement is under attack? With your tax-deductible donation of $50 or more, we'll send you a poster of the mural that inspires everyone who walks through the office of the Salvadoran Union Front! (If you can give $15 or more, we'll send you a CD of revolutionary music - directly from the vendors in San Salvador!) When the vendors turned to CISPES for solidarity, we turned to our members and supporters. You took action, flooding the Mayor’s inbox, demanding that he stop the evictions and negotiate with the vendors (Trust me, it’s not every day that a Salvadoran mayor gets inundated with emails from angry people in the US!) We’re happy to report that there hasn’t been another mass eviction – at least for the moment – but it’s going to be an uphill battle. Will you make a year-end gift so that we can continue to mobilize with those on the front-lines of the struggle for economic justice? Thank you!

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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