Protests Scheduled to Denounce Saca's Celebration of Two Years in Office


The Salvadoran social movement has pledged resistance to the continuation of failed economic policies, and unions, campesino groups, and other social movement organizations are calling for a massive march on June 1st. "The current government is producing a profound economic, social and political crisis, and our reality is evidence of that," Guadalupe Erazo Popular Social Bloc leader said. The BPS together with groups like the MRP-12 and the Salvadoran Union Front (FSS) have put out the call for the protests. One group that will be participating in the day of actions is a group of communities in the northern part of the country that have been mobilizing against government mining concessions that would be destructive to their communities. SETA, the water workers union, will also participate in the protests calling for a mass resistance to water privatization. The groups have put together a list of collective demands, calling on the government to raise the minimum wage, stop CAFTA implementation - especially the attacks on informal vendors and privatization, forgive small farmers' debts and stop the legislation that would take away their lands, and strengthen the Human Rights Office.

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Photo of demonstrators holding signs and banners in front of the Salvadoran Embassy on June 1

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