Your Gift to CISPES Will be Doubled!


Dear Friend of El Salvador, After decades of governments that enforced vicious policies to maximize corporate profits and promote their own personal gain, the people of El Salvador were finally able to elect a government dedicated to ending inequality.  With an emphasis on universal health care and education, sustainable agriculture, and local economic development, the FMLN is attempting to create lasting changes that willredistribute wealth and power in El Salvador. In other words, the 99% in El Salvador is pulling ahead! The vibrant mobilizations of the 99% around the world have inspired one of our donors to make a very generous offer: to match every contribution CISPES receives online by November 1st, up to $5000! That means every dollar you give today will be doubled! Help CISPES make the most of this matching grant by making a tax-deductible donation today. This opportunity could not come at a better time. Our allies in the FMLN and the social movement face serious obstacles:severe lack of resources, violent opposition from the elite and, as always, the threat of US interference. They have called on us to mobilize international solidarity during this urgent period of transformation and your contributions will ensure that we can do it! That's why we're launching an important new program of volunteer work brigades to El Salvador for 2012. Through medical brigades, elections observation and literacy brigades, we can build the cross-border, people-to-people ties that we need to challenge a truly global system of economic exploitation. If we can raise $5000 online by November 1, CISPES will be able to count on $10,000 to make these brigades possible! Please make a generous, tax-deductible contribution today.  In Solidarity, Carmen Atlee-Loudon Associate Development Director P.S. We hope you will heed the call from El Salvador and join us to be part of the change! If you're interested in learning more about upcoming delegations and work brigades, please let us know when you make your donation or contact [email protected].

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

Join Padre Carlos by becoming a sustaining donor to CISPES today!

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