Videos, photos & articles from rallies around US on Day of Action against Mining and Free Trade


Last Thursday, May 27 CISPES members and social justice activistsacross the country took a stand against corporate greed and the US freetrade model, organizing a number of creative actions for theInternational Day against Mining and Free in El Salvador to condemnPacific Rim Mining Corp. and its multimillion dollar lawsuit againstthe  Salvadoran state. Boston, MA A diverse crowd of solidarity activists, community high schoolyouth, faith leaders, unionists, FMLN members and local politiciansrallied in front of the Canadian Consulate, demanding Canadiangovernment action against Pacific Rim and to stop negotiating theCanadian Free Trade Agreement with Central America.  MassachusettsState Representative Alice Wolf spoke with the Canadian Consul as partof a delegation and rallied the crowd in support for the Salvadoranresistance movement.

New York, NY

Presidentand CEO Thomas Shrake showed up in downtown Manhattan, peddling PacificRim cyanide water from  Cabañas.  Intrepid passersby who taste-testedthe new product met with an unfortunate fate.

Watch a video of Pacific Rim's new product and its startling effects here

Portland, OR The Portland Central American Solidarity Committee organized aspirited picket outside of Senator Wyden's office in downtown Portland,demanding that he speak out against Pacific Rim and take action againstthe current trade model by signing onto the TRADE Act. Activistsorganized a Pacific Rim street theater, speakers and music to sendtheir message to Wyden and the local community. See more action photos here Seattle, WA Dozens of demonstrators marched from Westlake Plaza to the office ofRep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) on Thursday afternoon to protest theCongressman’s ongoing refusal to endorse a trade policy reform billmay27seattlepress_conf.jpgcurrently before the Congress, and to disrupt a press conference heldby Pacific Rim Mining Corporation honoring McDermott for his support offree trade. The ceremony ended badly for mining company executives whotoasted the Congressman with cyanide-tainted water from a Salvadorangold mine. Read the full story here Or watch a video of Pacific Rim's press conference here   DC_shrakeWashington, DC More than 60 demonstrators from the Salvadoran immigrant community,solidarity community and the international anti-mining movement,including community leaders Miguel Rivera and Vidalina Morales fromCabañas gathered at the office of Pacific Rim's lawyers, Crowell &Moring, chanting "Pacific Rim out of  El Salvador" and "Stop theSuits!."  CEO Thomas Shrake made a surprise appearance but was run offthe  scene by the power of the people, without having a chance toconsult his lawyers. Watch Telemundo coverage of the demonstration here Or see more action photos here The Day of Action was also covered by a number of Spanish languagemedia newspapers, blogs, online periodicals and radio stations:

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