Video from the "War on Drugs" in El Salvador Virtual Delegation


On January 21, 2012 CISPES hosted a conversation with Roger Blandino Nerio, Mayor of the Municipality of Mejicanos, about the effects of the "War on Drugs" in El Salvador. The US backed "War on Drugs" has devastated Colombia and Mexico and is now being expanded to Central America with similar consequences.  Blandino's presentation focuses on the affects that the "War on Drugs" is already having in El Salvador, as well as looking back at some of the historical forces which have brought us to this current situation. Unfortunately the image is not very good, however the sound is great and Blandino's excellent analysis comes across loud and clear. Watch the video:

Mejicanos is a large densly populated municipality located on the outskirts of San Salvador.  Roger Blandino has been the Mayor of Mejicanos since 2003 during which time he has been able to greatly reduce the crime indices in Mejicanos among other achievements.

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