Protest President Saca in Los Angeles - Sunday April 6



The Salvadoran Community of Southern California & International Solidarity and the Los Angeles Progressive Movement make the following urgent request for your solidarity and collaboration:

Join us in a protest demonstration to confront the right-wing President of El Salvador, Antonio "Tony" Saca and the presidential candidate of the ARENA party, Rodrigo Avila, who is also the former Director of the violent National Civil Police.

Sunday, April 6, 2008 --- Assemble at 3:00 p.m.

Wilshire Ebell Theater 4400 Wilshire Blvd near Crenshaw and Wilshire


(Event is concert by ARENA supporter and singer Alvaro Torres which Saca and Avila will attend) The theatre is located one block south of Wilshire on the corner of 8th Street and Lucerne Blvd. (4 blocks west of Crenshaw Blvd.)

Contact for more information: 323 556 1932

Bring banners and picket signs addressing the issues below!


  • The corrupt ARENA government which has, in the last five years, "governed" over the collapse of the health care system of El Salvador and the impoverishment of the working families of El Salvador
  • The escalating human rights abuses and military and police repression of the civil population of El Salvador, and their visit to Los Angeles, seeking collaboration from the LAPD and the City of Los Angeles in this systematic, violent abuse of activists and community people.
  • El Salvador's role as the only Latin American country to capitulate to President Bush and send military troops to Iraq, where young Salvadorans have died in combat.
  • The nomination of Rodrigo Avila, former chief of the Salvadoran police and often nicknamed "Rambo" in the Salvadoran press, as the ARENA candidate to continue the Saca policies which are imposing horrendous suffering on the people of El Salvador.
  • ARENA support for CAFTA and other trade agreements plunging the Salvadoran people into great poverty
  • ARENA support for the ILEA [International Law Enforcement Agency] now training police in El Salvador the way the School of the Americas trains the military of Latin America...since the opening of the Academy, police repression has escalated.
  • Policies of privatization, exploitation, repression and corruption... the Salvadoran people have suffered enough! Help say "NO" to five more years of ARENA government.


This demonstration is endorsed and sponsored by a broad collection of labor, human rights and community groups from both the Salvadoran community, the North American solidarity movement and communities representing Central American countries and Latin American activists. All members of our community who honor and love social and economic justice, respect for the poor and for working families, peace and civil and human rights endorse this event. Temporarily, inquiries can be made to: [email protected]

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