Live Webinar: Salvadoran Workers Say NO to US-backed Privatization!


Wilfredo Berríos on tour with CISPES in New York

Please join us on Sunday, April 27th at 1 pm PST/4 pm EST for a live webinar with Wilfredo Berríos, one of the founders of the Salvadoran Union and Social Front (FSS), “the instrument of Salvadoran class struggle.” The Salvadoran labor movement is looking to CISPES to continue the fight against the US government's aggressive campaign for public-private partnerships, using development aid as a carrot and stick to ensure that transnational corporations can profit off of El Salvador’s public services. This webinar is an important opportunity to learn what you can do to support Salvadoran workers on the front lines of this struggle. Join Wilfredo Berríos this Sunday for an informative discussion to learn more:

  • How do public-private partnerships fit into the Obama administration’s new international development framework, the Partnership for Growth?
  • What is the US agenda during the next FMLN administration?
  • What can we learn from the Salvadoran struggle to help us defend our public services here in the US?
  • What can we do to stop continued US attacks on El Salvador’s public sector?

Register here to reserve your spot! The presentation will be in Spanish with interpretation into English and plenty of time for moderated questions and answers. In a world where corporations know no boundaries, it’s a critical moment to strengthen our cross-border, people-to-people solidarity.  At CISPES, we’re proud to work with dedicated organizers like Wilfredo and it’s our privilege to introduce him to you.

We're looking forward to having you with us on Sunday at 1 PM PST/4 pm EST – just click here to register.

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

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