Last Chance for our Matching Grant, Midnight Tonight!


Thanks to many generous contributions over the past two weeks, CISPES is on the road to reaching our goal of raising $5,000 by November 1st but we need your help to make it to the finish line! If we can rise to the challenge of raising $5,000 by the end of today, CISPES will be able to count on $10,000 to launch our exciting new program of People-to-People Brigades through a matching offer from a generous donor.  Please make your tax-deductible contribution today! Your contribution will help CISPES build new networks of solidarity by sending brigades of students, health care professionals and elections observers to El Salvador to provide hands-on support for the people-centered programs of the country’s first progressive government, like universal health care and education!  As the world’s 99% continues to come together to put people over profits, it is crucial to bring our struggles together internationally and build strong partnerships that can last. Your support is critical, as we work our way towards our goal of $5,000 by the end of the day.  We are over half-way there! Making a donation today is one important way you can contribute to the transformation in El Salvador – thank you so much! En solidaridad, Carmen Atlee-Loudon Associate Development Director P.S. Did you know that CISPES is 100% supported by individual donors like you? Please make a gift today towards our $5,000 matching grant – the deadline is midnight tonight!

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"I am a CISPES supporter because continuing to fight for social justice and a more people-centered country means continuing the dream and sacrifice of thousands of my fellow Salvadorans who died for that vision.” - Padre Carlos, New York City

Join Padre Carlos by becoming a sustaining donor to CISPES today!

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