Support Rebuilding Efforts in El Salvador After Devastating Rains

When I sat down to write this letter, I planned to tell you about CISPES’ new program to bring U.S. health care practitioners to El Salvador’s rural areas to work alongside Salvadoran doctors and nurses under the FMLN’s Ministry of Health and ask for your financial support to help us take advantage of a generous $5,000 matching grant to launch these and other people-to-people brigades.
Then it started to rain and it didn't stop. Within just ten days, El Salvador had over 60 inches of rain - that's more than it usually rains in an entire year.  The rain was catastrophic: flooding, landslides, immense damage to roads, homes, and bridges, leaving tens of thousands displaced. Nearly 70% of this year’s crops were washed away. Now El Salvador needs our support directly. Your donation today will support the critical rebuilding efforts in the months to come.
The response of the Ministry of Health is a telling example of the new government’s commitment to the most marginalized populations and why it deserves our support. Mandatory evacuations moved over fifty thousand people into shelters that have been stocked with food, water, blankets, and medical services.  Your gift will ensure the continuation of these crucial services.
I was particularly moved when I heard that the Ministry was providing psychological counseling to evacuated families. Every time I hear the Ministry of Health’s ads on the radio teaching people how to keep themselves safe and healthy in the shelters, I am reminded of what many Salvadorans have told me over the past two weeks: that this government’s response to the disaster has been much better than any they’ve seen before.
Now that there is finally a government committed to the majority, your support will go far in helping to re-build the new El Salvador that is already in the making. Thank you for your support
In Solidarity,
Laura Jean
CISPES Volunteer
P.S. If you have already supported the emergency flood relief, please also consider making a contribution to CISPES to help us take advantage of our $5,000 matching campaign that ends next week!
Photo Credit: BBC Mundo and La Prensa Gráfica

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